Friday, September 10, 2010

Google Instant- Search results at keystrokes

Howdy readers. Well, this is my second post of the day (this gives me the feeling of a proud blogger :P). Google is now playing with it's all time greatest service "Search" in order to improve it to the extent which people might have only dreamed about. This new search enhancement has been named Google Instant.

Google Instant is all about delivering search results at the press of a key. The instant you start typing the search keywords the respective semi-typed strings are diagnosed by the Google servers and the corresponding search results are displayed on your screen potentially zeroing the virtual time taken to execute a query to display the search result.

For those of you familiar with javascript and JQuery, this might sound very similar to the AJAX key functions. Yet, Google has a point to convey regarding the change being brought about. The Google guys advocate that people type nearly 10 times slower than they read. Hence, you can go through the search results while you're typing and stop at the instant you feel you've scored the necessary result. Google claims that the instant search feature can save up to 5 seconds of your idle search time.

Currently this search feature is available only for web section, but might most probably be extended to images and other features as well. To activate Instant Search on your browser, click on Settings > Search Settings. Then select "Use Google Instant-Predictions and results appear while typing" in the Google Instant section of the page that appears.

Well, that's it for now. Its late in the night, rather, daybreak and I'm feeling hell drowsy. So this is Kartik Iyer signing off. Stay connected. Till my next post- Chao! ~_^

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